Why should you accredit your professional title in Australia?
Visa & residency
This is your opportunity to apply for one of the Skilled Visas and achieve permanent residency.
Credibilidad laboral
Your skills are being recognized, not your academic degree, which will make you more competitive in the job market with all your knowledge.
Oportunidad laboral
Better job opportunities will be available to you, with the most attractive salaries and benefits from top companies.
Escala profesionalmente
Build the quality of life you have always dreamed of. Position yourself in the country and scale your goals with a secure and highly professional path.
72% of professionals
working in Australia are foreign migrants.
+800,000 professionals
are required in Australia every year.
Australia is in the top 10
countries with the highest salaries globally.
Entities where you can accredit your skills with SkillsPRO
Start your professional accreditation process with these entities.
Don't know which entity you can use to validate your profession?
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Nuestros expertos estarán disponibles para acompañarte en la toma de tus decisiones y la personalización de tu estrategia para empezar el skills assessment.
¡Agenda una consultoría personalizada!